Joint CAp & RFIAP 2022 Conferences held in Vannes 05-07/07/2022

From the 5th to the 8th of July 2022, SSFAM (Société Savante Française d’Apprentissage Machine) and AFRIF (Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l’Interprétation des Formes) will jointly organized on the Tohannic campus of Université Bretagne Sud in VannesCAp (Conférence sur l’Apprentissage automatique) and RFIAP (Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception). The two communities have numerous common research problems and we believe that this co-location will allow for very fruitful discussions. The two conferences will have separate submission procedures but all submissions will be handled through EasyChair (see the respective calls).


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