Author: Sebastien LEFEVRE
Copernicus Master in Digital Earth: 1st intake
OBELIX organizes with WUR a workshop on Deep Learning for Remote Sensing
Ahmed Samy Nassar, PhD student in OBELIX group jointly with ETH Zurich, is organizing with Sylvain Lobry from WUR a workshop on Deep Learning for Remote Sensing in NoRSC’19 (see more details).
The OBELIX group is coordinating with UMR TETIS (Dino Ienco) a new action within GDR MADICS on Machine Learning for Earth Observation. More details to come soon!
Copernicus Master in Digital Earth starting in Oct 2019
The OBELIX group is involved in a new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree: Copernicus Master in Digital Earth. see web site
OBELIX is hosting JURSE 2019
The team is organizing the next JURSE conference, see !
New Postdoc and PhD positions!
1 Postdoc position and 2 PhD positions are to filled as soon as possible. See the job offers section.
GEOBIA 2016 and Remote Sensing special issue
Sébastien Lefèvre is a cochair of GEOBIA 2016, the international conference on geographic object-based image analysis, held in Enschede, The Netherlands, 14-16 September 2016. Sébastien Lefèvre is a guest editor of the special issue Advances in Object-Based Image Analysis – Linking with Computer Vision and Machine Learning in the Remote…
Workshop on Hierarchical Image Representations, Computer Vision and Remote Sensing
The OBELIX team from IRISA is organizing a Workshop on Hierarchical Image Representations, Computer Vision and Remote Sensing. This event will be held in Vannes (Campus of Tohannic) on January 25th, 2016. See dedicated page for more details.
IRISA Data Science Symposium
IRISA Data Science Symposium will be held in Rennes on November 26-27, 2015. The program is available here here. The OBELIX team is organizing a workshop on Big Data & Earth Observation, see the workshops page.