Invited Scientist: Cris Luengo (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Cris Luengo, Associate Professor in Center for Image Analysis (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences / Uppsala University) will visit OBELIX team for one week in June!
Cris Luengo, Associate Professor in Center for Image Analysis (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences / Uppsala University) will visit OBELIX team for one week in June!
Vladimir Curic, researcher in Center for Image Analysis (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences / Uppsala University) will visit OBELIX team for a month in June!
Norman Kerle, leader of the ITC-OOA group in ITC / University of Twente, will visit OBELIX team for a week mid-April !
The Obelix team is coorganizing a special session on Image Retrieval in Remote Sensing within the 12th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2014). Special session website:
The ASTERIX project has been selected by ANR (French National Research Agency) in the program JCJC (Young Researchers), which provides a 275 k€ financial support to this 4-year initiative (2013-2017). This project is led by Sébastien Lefèvre and it deeply involves members of the OBELIX team, together with colleagues from…