Date: October, 23 (FRIDAY)
Room: A105-107
- 09h30 — 11h30 : Methodological aspects of Machine Learning
- Nicolas Courty : WAR : Wasserstein Adversarial Regularization for learning with label noise
- Laetitia Chapel : partial OT for PU learning
- Titouan Vayer : COOT (Co-Optimal Transport)
- Killian Fatras : MixUp meets OT : interpolating images may improve estimation of distributions
- 11h30 — 12h : Time series & Machine Learning
- Romain Tavenard : Time Series Alignment with Global Invariances
- 12h — 14h00 Lunch
- 14h — 16h30 : Remote sensing methodologies & applications
- Bezhag Mirmahboub : Median-tree: an efficient counterpart of Tree-of-Shapes
- Heng Zhang : Localize to Classify and Classify to Localize: Mutual Guidance in Object Detection
- Thomas Corpetti : Monitoring urban areas with Sentinel-2
- Minh-Tan Pham : Small object detection from remote sensing images using YOLO-fine or based on super-resolution
- Deise Santana Maia : Automated detection of marine megafauna in offshore wind farm
- 16h30 — 17h00 : Future of OBELIX / Discussions