
The seminar of OBELIX team is currently held on thursdays 11:30 am, every two weeks, at the IRISA lab, Tohannic campus (bat. ENSIBS). Usually, the presentation lasts 30 min and is followed by a discussion with the team.

The seminar is coordinated by Yann CABANES: Please contact me for any information or if you want to present your work to our team.

Previous seminars

2019 / 2019-20 / 2020-21 / 2021-22 / 2022-23 / 2023-242024-25

Upcoming seminars (2024-25)

  • Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Room: A102, ENSIBS Vannes
  • Speaker: Mareike Dorozynski
  • Title: Multi-temporal multi-modal classification of geodata for spatiotemporal analysis of the landscape
  • Abstract: Geoinformation, especially information on land cover, is not only of interest for describing the current state of the Earth’s surface but also for past, historical states. Land cover time series can be utilized to analyse the development and change of the environment, to identify various spatial processes – such as changes in cities, forests and water bodies –, and to gain an understanding of interdependencies between processes. Therefore, such knowledge is essential to make well-founded decisions about the design of future habitats. Against this background, it is highly relevant to develop methods for the automated classification of geodata of different ages and quality to enable computer-aided analysis of time series. Available data sources – of multiple modalities, scales, and epochs – should be combined so that a classifier can benefit from the strengths of all considered data. Examples of multi-modal, multi-temporal, and multi-temporal multi-scale classification approaches will be presented. Furthermore, an outlook on the next steps in multi-temporal multi-modal land cover classification will be provided.

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