Job offers

The OBELIX team always seeks for highly qualified candidates in image analysis and/or machine learning.

Postdoc offers

PhD offers

  • [NEW] PhD (CIFRE contract) at IRISA/Atermes on Object detection from few multispectral examples.  Application before 15/06/2024 (but the sooner the better) for an expected starting in October 2024. For this position, European nationality is required! More information here
  • [FILLED] Deep continual learning for satellite image time series. PhD proposal within UBS-IRISA.  Application until the position is filled for an expected starting at the latest in November 2024. More information here.
  • [FILLED] Towards Efficient foundation models for VHR satellite images. PhD proposal within UBS-IRISA/CNES (National Centre for Space Studies).  Application before 15/03/2024 (but the sooner the better) for an expected starting in September/October 2024. More information here

Master Internship offers

  • [NEW] M2/Ecole d’Ingénieur Internship: Active learning and object detection in multimodal aerial images.  More information here
  • [FILLED] M2/Ecole d’Ingénieur Internship: Towards Privacy-preserving Federated learning in Multi-task learning from Multiple Datasets.  More information here
  • [FILLED] Stage R&D: Recherche efficace et sans apprentissage de motifs spatio-temporels dans des grands cubes de données satellites.  More information here (in French)

Bachelor Internship offers

Currently there is no such offer in Obelix team, but feel free to send a resume if you think you have the skills and interests in our research.

Recent offers (filled)

List of recent offers showing examples of our research interests

  • [FILLED] Gradual domain adaptation for satellite image time series. Supervisor: Charlotte Pelletier Starting date around November.
  • [FILLED] Deep super resolution of sequences of satellite images. Supervisors: Charlotte Pelletier (Obelix) and Nicolas Audebert (CNAM). Starting date flexible. Internship position at Vannes or Paris. More information here
  • [FILLED] Are CPUs good for energy-efficient deep learning? more information here
  • [FILLED] Detection of cliff erosion in oblique remote sensing images (jointly with LETG Brest, located in Brest). more information here
  • [FILLED] Research Engineer/Postdoc offer on Object detection with low supervision: Application to animal monitoring from above/under-water imagery (Expected starting: September 2021). More information: here.
  • [FILLEDMachine learning and causal inference: In artificial intelligence, in many fields of application, statistical learning methods have demonstrated their high level of performance. One of the tasks often performed by this type of method consists in studying the dependence / statistical associations between variables in order to understand the relationship between these explanatory variables and a variable of interest, and to predict this variable from the observation of new individuals. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the performance of machine learning methods through the angle of causality, mainly considering optimal transport strategies. More information here.
  • [FILLED] Research Internship Master 2/Ecole d’Ingénieur: Group variable identification based on the random forests for grouped variable algorithm – expected starting: February/March 2021 (More info : stageM2_rfgv_2020)
  • [FILLED] Research Internship Master 2/Ecole d’Ingénieur: Optimal Transport for novelty and out-of-distribution detection – expected starting: February/March 2021 (More info : stageM2_ot_ood.pdf)
  • [FILLED] Research Internship Master 2/Ecole d’Ingénieur: Causal Statistical Matching with Optimal Transport – expected starting: February/March 2021 (More info : stageM2_causia_2020)
  • Stage R&D Master 2/Ecole d’Ingénieur: Intégration de TRISKELE à OTB –  Période de stage prévue entre février et août 2021 (Plus d’info: stageM2_Triskele_2020)
  • [FILLED] Research Internship Master 2/Ecole d’Ingénieur: Multi-scale graph representation learning for remote sensing image analysis – expected starting: February/March 2021 (More info : stageM2_graph_2020
  • [FILLED] Stage R&D Master M2/Ecole d’Ingénieur: Détection d’animaux marins sur des images aériennes par des méthodes non-supervisées et faiblement supervisées – Date prévue: février/mars 2021 (Plus d’infos : stageM2_semmacape

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